Thursday, 20 November 2014

Children in Need

 Thank you so much to all our Parent and Carers who supported our annual Children In Need Day. It was for such a worthy cause we appreciated every penny donated. Here our a few memories from our 'Be a hero' day!

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Keeping safe discussions

All of Rise Park have been discussing what it means to them to feel safe and how this happens.  All the children had some very important points to make. Here are just some we picked out...

'Our grown ups help us to keep safe when we are crossing the road.' Pierce

'We always need a grown up with us when we are on the computer.' Rebecca

'The fire alarm keeps us safe.' Rihanna

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

We Will Remember Them

Over the week we have been looking at the importance of Remembrance Day.  We found out that Mrs Castle was on parade at the weekend.  Can you spot her? 

The children were very interesting in finding out more about Poppy Day and many had stories to share about family members who had fought in WW2.  We have completed English, Maths, Art and SEAL activities based on this theme.  We made Poppies out of paper and pipe cleaners and then described them.  Have a look...

Art in Year 2

We have been looking at the elements of art including colour, line and shape.  We have learnt about primary and secondary colours, warm and cool colours, tints and shades as well as the types of line and shapes we can use to create images.  We have looked at a range of artist and this week focused on the illustrator and artist Bronwyn Bancroft.  She is famous for using pattern to add detail to images of nature.  The children looked very carefully at one of her pieces of art and then completed the other half of the picture.  The results were incredible and we are extremely proud of the children. 

We focused hard to copy the patterns and the colours of the image
First we drew the patterns in pencil

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Year 2 Math-magicians

Here in Year 2, we like to add a little bit of magic and sparkle to our maths lessons because we are Math-magicians!

This term we have been doing a lot of work on place value. Here we are using marshmellows to help us understand the place value of hundreds tens and units.

We also use Base 10 a lot in our lessons, and this activity helped us to familiarise ourselves with the equipment. Being the creative bunch we are, we create pictures and then worked out how much their value was worth!

During Eco Week we had designed eco robots for ICT, but we also created some from 2D shapes. We then had a photo of them stuck in our books and we labelled the different shapes with their features.


Sunday, 5 October 2014

Parent Morning - Thank you!

What a lovely time the children had sharing some of their learning with their grown ups on Friday morning. The children worked on a carousel of activities including PE, Geography, Maths and Phonics and we even had a few parents joining in with Activate!

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Getting to know you ...

The children have already been incredibly busy this week! Here they are getting to know each other a little better in 'People Bingo' as part of our Big Write, writing a letter to the children at the Colombian school all about their holidays.

We have also launched our new Literacy 'Rainbow Grammar' initiative as part of the new curriculum - the children have been enjoying lots of interactive activities linked to our book this week 'The day the crayons quit.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Year 2 Party - 23rd July 2014

Reminder: Our Year 2 party is this Wednesday 23rd July.  Children need to come to school in their uniform.  They will need a packed lunch as we will be having a picnic together at lunchtime.  We are hoping to have a visit from the ice cream van and if the children wish they can bring a small game to play.  No electrical games please.

Flanimal Videos

As part of our work in literacy on Information Reports, we visited the e-learning centre and produced a documentary on based on Flanimals - Pointless animals originally designed by the famous comedian - Ricky Gervais.  Enjoy looking at the images of some of our creations and few of our videos.

Year 2 Camp at Wollaton Park

Although a while ago now, the thirty seven children that joined us at Wollaton Camp had a fantastic time.  We enjoyed beautiful weather and spent a lot of time outside exploring Wollaton Park  with the deer!  On the first day we played team games together and then rotated around three activities: a scavenger hunt, a tour of the park and shelter building.  That evening we enjoyed listening to a story teller around the camp fire and then ate toasted marshmallows.  After an eventful night, we went to the hall and the adventure park before getting the coach back to school.  Here are some photos of our trip with a short video to follow next week.
Travelling to Camp - All very exciting!

Travelling to Camp - All very exciting!

Travelling to Camp - All very exciting!

Walking to our campsite

And here it is!

Building Shelters

Martin even got involved in camp

Visiting the hall for a photo opportunity

Enjoying breakfast with Raul
Enjoying breakfast
